Lincoln Nautilus: Lane Keeping System / Alert and Aid Mode
What Is Alert and Aid Mode
Alert and aid mode uses multiple features to
keep you in your lane. The system first
provides a small steering input to bring your
vehicle back towards the center of the lane.
If your vehicle moves too far out of the center
of the lane the system alerts you with
vibration in the steering wheel.
How Does Alert and Aid Mode Work

- Alert.
- Aid.
The lane keeping system detects a lane
departure and provides aid when the
vehicles enters B and applies the additional
alert warning if A is entered.
Lane Keeping System Settings
To change the steering wheel vibration, use
the instrument cluster display:
Using the instrument cluster display
controls on the steering wheel, select
Driver Assist...
If you switch the lane keeping system on, a
graphic with lane markings appears in the
information display.
When you switch the system off, the lane
marking graphics do not display...
Other information:
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
Spherical Cutter
Hot Air Gun
MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
Spot Weld Drill Bit
Locking Pliers
Seam SealerTA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM
Flexible Foam Repair3M™ 08463, LORD Fusor® 121
If required, restor..
Use an A/C refrigerant analyzer before recovering any of the vehicle's
A/C refrigerant. Failure to do so puts the shop's bulk refrigerant at
risk of contamination. If the vehicle's A/C refrigerant is contaminated,
refer the customer to the service facility that carried out the last
A/C service. If the customer wishes to pay the additional cost, use the
A/C recovery equipme..