Lincoln Nautilus Manuals

Lincoln Nautilus: Scheduled Maintenance / Normal Scheduled Maintenance

Oil Change Reminder

Your vehicle comes with an oil change reminder that determines when you should change the engine oil based on how you use your vehicle.

Your vehicle lets you know when an oil change is due by displaying a message in the information display.

The following table provides examples of vehicle use and its impact on oil change intervals. It is a guideline only. Actual oil change intervals depend on several factors and generally decrease with severity of use.

Lincoln Nautilus. Normal Scheduled Maintenance

Normal Maintenance Intervals

Lincoln Nautilus. Normal Scheduled Maintenance

1 Do not exceed one year or 10,000 mi (16,000 km) between service intervals.

2 Reset the oil change reminder after engine oil and filter changes. See Resetting the Engine Oil Change Reminder.

Lincoln Nautilus. Normal Scheduled Maintenance

1 Perform these maintenance items within 3,000 mi (4,800 km) of the last engine oil and filter change. Do not exceed the designated distance for the interval.

2 After initial inspection, inspect every other oil change until replaced.

3 If not replaced within the last 100,000 mi (160,000 km).

4 Initial replacement at 10 years or 200,000 mi (320,000 km), then every five years or 100,000 mi (160,000 km).

Lincoln Nautilus. Normal Scheduled Maintenance

1 Perform this maintenance item every 3 years. Do not exceed the designated time for the interval.

2 Brake fluid servicing requires special equipment available at your authorized dealer.

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