Lincoln Nautilus: Rear Seats
Switching the Ventilated Seats On and Off
The vehicle must be running to use this
Press this symbol to cycle through the
various ventilation settings and off...
Head Restraint Components
Rear Seat Outermost Head Restraints
The head restraints consist of:
An energy absorbing head
Two steel stems...
Other information:
To minimize the risk of injury, always wear protective
gloves when working with a steamer. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious personal injury.
Click here to view a video version of the seat heater mat removal and installation...
What Are Autolamps
WARNING: The system does not
relieve you of your responsibility to drive
with due care and attention. You may need
to override the system if it does not turn
the headlamps on in low visibility
conditions, for example daytime fog...
WARNING: If the tire pressure
monitor sensor becomes damaged it may
not function.
Note: The use of tire sealant may damage
your tire pressure monitoring system and
should only be used in roadside
emergencies. If you must use a sealant, use
the Tire Mobility Kit sealant. Replace the tire
pressure monitoring system sensor and
valve stem on the wheel by an authorized
dealer after use of the sealant.
Note: The tire pressure monitoring system
indicator light will illuminate when the spare
tire is in use. To restore the full function of
the monitoring system, all road wheels
equipped with tire pressure monitoring
sensors must be mounted on the vehicle.
If you get a flat tire while driving, do not apply
the brake hea
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