Lincoln Nautilus: Wipers and Washers / Wiper Linkage Assembly. Removal and Installation
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
Hood removed in this procedure for clarity.
Remove the cowl panel grille.
Refer to: Cowl Panel Grille (501-02 Front End Body Panels)
This step is only necessary when installing a new component.
Activate the windshield wipers.
Turn the ignition ON.
Set the windshield wiper switch to run the wipers continuously.
This step is only necessary when installing a new component.
To aid in aligning the wiper motor crank between the
alignment marks, turn the ignition switch OFF when the wiper motor
crank reaches one o'clock position. This ensures the wiper motor crank
comes to rest between the five o'clock and the seven o'clock position
which is within the alignment marks.
Align the wiper motor crank to access the wiper motor bolts.
Turn the ignition OFF when the motor crank reaches
the one o'clock position, ensuring the wiper motor crank comes to rest
between the five o'clock and seven o'clock position.
Visually verify the wiper motor crank is between the
five o'clock and the seven o'clock position, which is within the
alignment marks.
Remove the wiper linkage assembly.
Disconnect the electrical connector.
Remove the bolts.
62 (7 Nm)
This step is only necessary when installing a new component.
This step is only necessary if the wiper linkage
assembly mount grommet remains in the square locator hole after the
wiper motor has been removed.
Remove the wiper linkage assembly mount grommet.
Be careful not to damage the link seals during
removal. Failure to follow this instruction may result in poor
windshield wiper performance.
This step is only necessary when installing a new component.
Detach the windshield wiper link from the windshield wiper motor crank.
Detach the link.
Position the link aside.
This step is only necessary when installing a new component.
Remove the bolts and the wiper linkage assembly.
115 (13 Nm)
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Two Leg Puller
Remove windshield wiper pivot arm nut covers.
Remove windshield wiper pivot arm nuts...
Other information:
If installing a new PAM
, it is necessary to upload the module configuration information to the
scan tool prior to removing the module. This information must be
downloaded into the new PAM after installation.
Using a diagnostic scan tool, begin the PMI process for the PAM following the onscreen instructions.
Remove the driver knee airbag.
Refer to: ..
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