Lincoln Nautilus: Engine System - General Information / Powertrain/Drivetrain Mount Neutralizing. General Procedures
Refer to the appropriate section and procedure for special instructions on loosening and tightening mount fasteners.
Refer to: Jacking and Lifting - Overview (100-02 Jacking and Lifting, Description and Operation).
Loosen, but do not remove, the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
Lower the vehicle.
Do not twist or strain the powertrain/drivetrain mounts or damage to the mounts may occur.
Start the vehicle and move it in forward 0.6 m (1.97 ft)
- 1.2 m (3.94 ft). Then move the vehicle in reverse the same distance.
Raise and support the vehicle.
Tighten the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
Lower the vehicle.
Test the system for normal operation.
Refer to the appropriate Section 303-01 for the specifications.
The cylinder bore must be within the specifications for taper and out-of-round before fitting a piston...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Plastic Scraper
Nylon Bristle Disk
Plastic Razor Blade
Lint-Free Towel
Isopropyl Alcohol – 90 Percent Minimum
Motorcraft® Silicone Gasket RemoverZC-30-A, AZC-30-C
Motorcraft® Metal Surface Prep WipesZC-31-B
Motorcraft® Engine Shampoo and DegreaserZC-20, AZC-20..
Other information:
Side obstacle detection control module
This step is only necessary if the SODL or SODR is being replaced.
LH side is shown, RH side is similar.
Using a diagnostic scan tool, begin the PMI process for the SODL or SODR following the on-screen instructions.
Remove the rear bumper cover.
Refer to: Rear Bumper Cover (501-19 Bumpers)
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Fluid Suction Gun
Fluid Container
Motorcraft® Premium Windshield Wash Concentrate with BitterantZC-32-B2
Hood removed in this procedure for clarity.
Siphon the windshield washer fluid out.
Use the General Equipment: Fluid Suction Gun
Use the General E..
WARNING: If the tire pressure
monitor sensor becomes damaged it may
not function.
Note: The use of tire sealant may damage
your tire pressure monitoring system and
should only be used in roadside
emergencies. If you must use a sealant, use
the Tire Mobility Kit sealant. Replace the tire
pressure monitoring system sensor and
valve stem on the wheel by an authorized
dealer after use of the sealant.
Note: The tire pressure monitoring system
indicator light will illuminate when the spare
tire is in use. To restore the full function of
the monitoring system, all road wheels
equipped with tire pressure monitoring
sensors must be mounted on the vehicle.
If you get a flat tire while driving, do not apply
the brake hea
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